Teleseminar interview with Jim Herrington on leadership, church systems, and spiritual vitality

Date: Tuesday, July 23

Time:  2pm Central

Like any gathering of people, a church is a complex system with many elements connected in interdependent relationships. Without seeing the way this system is built, spiritual leaders are left in the dark when it comes to effectively organizing and moving their church in a positive direction.


Jim Herrington has been a pastor since he was 19, serving congregations in Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and a Masters in Education. He is the Founding Executive of Mission Houston, a non-profit that seeks to revitalize the spiritual health of greater Houston. He does quite of bit of church consulting and training of leaders, including working on the “Ridder Process” — a church consultation process. Jim is also the author of the excellent leadership book “The Leader’s Journey”.

We will be discussing the lessons Jim has learned in the many years he has spent working as a pastor, and his knowledge of how churches work well and succeed. Jim will elaborate on church systems, and how understanding these systems is key to leading a church effectively.  We will talk about how we can preserve our own emotional well-being in the stressful role as a pastor. Jim has also developed a process called Faith Walking, which is a way of approaching your relationship with God with integrity, obedience, and realistic intentions.


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Jim Herrington on church systems, effective leadership, and maintaining spiritual vitality

Tuesday, July 23

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